Realtor Surveyor Consultant Services

Professional Land Surveyor Services is here to help you with all of your surveying needs. Here are some of the services we offer real estate agents and teams:

Ongoing Land Survey Consulting

  • Answer questions about surveys including legal descriptions and how to read surveys properly

  • Find available survey companies to perform a survey for a client

Lunch & Learn Seminars

  • Why get a survey?

  • How do I read a survey?


Why should you have a survey done of your lot when buying or selling your house?

A survey would show boundary lines and property corners. A survey would also show any potential problems with the lot. A good example of this would there be if there are any encroachments, problems with fences, and easements.


What’s the point of a property survey?

Property surveys would help to aid in transparency for a new homeowner. If the buyer mentions adding a fence or an addition to the house (after they buy the property), you mention that a survey would be needed for these items.

Acreage properties are totally different. There are more issues on rural surveys than on city lots. A survey would be highly recommended, especially to determine the acreage.

Another very important reason for a survey is to note any easements that would affect the property. Easements can be an issue when you have to have a clear title and are not documented properly.


Where can I find a good surveyor?

Let me help you with that. My website has a place where you can enter your name and contact information and the name and address of the person who needs the survey and the type of survey work needed. For a small fee, I will find a survey company that fits your needs.